Proud of this guy

Originally published on Instagram, I’m sharing this here so I don’t forget/lose it.
Can we talk about my husband, Steve the Bike Guy, for a minute?
Over the last month, I’ve been working at the Shop with him on Saturdays as he makes quick repairs on bikes that, in normal circumstances, would have to wait weeks for a service appointment.
Most of the fixes are pretty straight forward, but there some that have been particularly challenging. Even as he would tell me an issue was unfixable, I’d see the gears in his head turning, looking for a solution.
He’s always been a bit of a MacGyver, fixing things that seem unfixable. The guy who will be under the sink at a party if you mention the disposal is acting up. He’s also a guy that loves bikes. A guy who, in his teen years, rode everywhere.
Bring these things together, and you have a mechanic who does everything he can to keep a bike rolling.
I’ve enjoyed this chance to work with Steve this summer. To see him in his element, doing what he does so well. I am incredibly proud of him and grateful to all his customers for their support.